Travel Diaries : IRELAND


In May 2017, I backpacked Europe for 3 1/2 weeks. At first I was joined by my family in Ireland, and then  by my two best friends in Scotland/England. It was most breathtaking 3 1/2 weeks of my life. This post will be the first of three detailing my travels, so I invite you to sit down all cozy and spend awhile with me. :) I am long-winded, passionate, and basically just a huge chatterbox, but I hope I allow you to experience some of the magic of this beautiful place and share my happiness with you. xo


How is it that going so far away feels exactly like coming home?

Many Newfoundlanders before me have taken the pilgrimage (so to speak) to Ireland, where our ancestors come from, where our music comes from, and where our very essence of being originated. Over time, this has become its own distinct and magical culture in NL. Travelling across the pond to a place that ties so much to our own island was a very surreal experience, and one what I had been waiting for practically my whole life.

It's really challenging for me to explain how overwhelming the feeling of "being home" was without prattling on for hours. If you know me at all, I'm not over-exaggerating here. Instead, I'll allow this following story to set the tone. Try your absolute hardest not to laugh at how much of a sap I am, but if you do, I really can't blame you, haha.

My cousins and I were standing in a massive gift shop in Dublin. It was tourist central. Super cheesy, but absolutely perfect. I was shopping around, minding my own business and getting little gifts for my friends back home, when all of a sudden a new playlist began over the speakers.  I literally teared up, people. The music was everything I grew up on here in Newfoundland. I knew every single word, and just stood in the store holding back sobs. Not very well, I might add.  Singing along with my cousins,  I truly realized how connected my people and I are to this country.

WELL, now that I've truly embarrassed myself, I sincerely hope you enjoy this little peek at Ireland and its beauty. The following images are a mix of cell phone snaps and my own travel photography, because you know this photographer was NOT going abroad without a real camera. ;)


And, just like that, it was onwards to Scotland!

I really hope you enjoyed seeing some of the magic that Ireland had to offer, and I'm so grateful you spent this time with me!

Thank you so much for following my journey so far, and I hope I'll see you next week for the 2nd instalment of Backpack Diaries!! Stories include trying haggis, looking for the Loch Ness Monster, and me probably crying  as I try to type out and describe the greatest day of my life, LOL. 

